The Best Elden Ring Incantations, Ranked

The Best Elden Ring Incantations, Ranked

If you are on a quest to become the most powerful Tarnished in the Lands Between, mastering incantations is a must. However, with so many spells at your fingertips, knowing which ones pack the biggest punch can be tough. We have got you covered. 

In this article, we will discuss the top Elden ring incantations that will have your enemies running for the hills.


In the game Elden Ring, there is a spell called Rejection that’s useful for dealing with many enemies at once. It creates a wave that pushes enemies away and can make the weaker ones fall over, but it does not hurt them much. It is great for controlling crowds, and you can get it from Brother Corbyn in Roundtable Hold for 600 runes.

Rejection is a spell in Elden Ring that sends out a wave to push back many enemies and knock down the weaker ones, though it does not do much damage. It is a good spell for crowd control and is available from Brother Corbyn in Roundtable Hold for 600 runes.


Another spell in the game is ‘Darkness,’ which is unique and useful for players who rely on faith. It does not hurt enemies, but it confuses them and makes it easy to attack. It is great for sneaking away or landing strong attacks on the dazed enemies.

You can learn this spell from Brother Corhyn or Miriel, Pastor of Vows after you give them something called the Assassin’s Prayer Book. You can find this book in Roundtable Hold, behind a door with an Imp Statue in the basement.

Swarm of Flies

Swarm of Flies is a spell in the game that’s not easy to find, but it is really good against enemies that can bleed a lot. When you use it, you send out a bunch of blood flies that chase after enemies and bite them, causing them to start bleeding.

This is great for players who have built their character to be really good at making enemies bleed.

Barrier of Gold

This spell is a big help for players and their teammates because it makes them less hurt by magic attacks for a while. It is perfect for battles against magic-using enemies and bosses like the Glintstone Dragons and Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon.

However, it is not easy to get. Players need to go to Leyndell, Royal Capital beat the ghost of a character named Godfrey, the first ruler of Elden Ring, and then find the spell on a hidden bug after going down some stairs and taking an elevator.

Aspects Of The Crucible: Tail

The Aspect of the Crucible: Tail spell is more about being handy than hurting a lot. It lets players make a ghostly tail appear to hit enemies, which is great for making them unable to move and knocking them down if you charge it up all the way.

It does a little damage, but it is good for making enemies fall over and keeping them under control.

Lord’s Heal

“Lord’s Heal” is an incantation in the Elden Ring that provides significant healing to both the caster and nearby allies. It is a spell the Two Fingers give to those they deem worthy of becoming a lord. This incantation requires 20 Faith to use and costs 55 FP per cast. 

It can be learned by giving the Two Fingers’ Prayerbook to either Brother Corhyn or Miriel, Pastor of Vows.

Erdtree Heal

“Erdtree Heal” is a powerful incantation in the Elden Ring that provides extensive healing to the caster and nearby allies. It requires 42 Faith to use and consumes 65 FP per cast. This incantation is one of the ancient spells associated with the Erdtree and can be found in the Queen’s bedchamber in Leyndell, Ashen Capital. 

To access it, players must first ignite the Forge of the Giants and defeat Maliketh, the Black Blade, in Crumbling Farum Azula.

Catch Flame

“Catch Flame” is an incantation in the Elden Ring that creates a small burst of flame from the caster’s hand, dealing fire damage to enemies within close range. It is a low-cost spell, requiring only 10 FP and 8 Faith to cast, making it a quick and efficient option for combat. 

This spell is particularly useful for players who prefer close-range combat or need a fast, low-cost option to deal damage.

Lightning Spear

“Lightning Spear” is an incantation in Elden Ring that summons and hurls a spear of lightning, dealing damage to enemies. It is part of the Dragon Cult Elden Ring Incantations and requires 17 Faith to cast. The spell costs 18 FP and uses one memory slot. 

Charging the spell increases its damage, range, and poise damage, and it can be boosted by the Gravel Stone Seal and the Godfrey Icon.

You can obtain “Lightning Spear” by giving the Dragon Cult Prayerbook to either Brother Corhyn or Miriel, Pastor of Vows. The prayerbook is dropped by a Leyndell Knight patrolling south of the Artist’s Shack.

Golden Vow

“Golden Vow” is a skill in Elden Ring that knights of the capital have passed down through generations. When used, it raises your armament and pledges honour to the Erdtree in battle, increasing attack power and defence for you and nearby allies.

It is a skill found on the Golden Halberd and can also be applied to other weapons as an Ash of War. You can defeat a mounted Godrick Knight above the Deathtouched Catacombs in Limgrave to acquire the Golden Vow skill.

There’s also a spell version of Golden Vow, an incantation that boosts the caster’s and nearby allies’ attack and defense for 80 seconds. You can find this spell at the Corpse-Stench Shack in Mt. Gelmir.

Flame, Grant Me Strength

“Flame, Grant Me Strength” is an incantation in Elden Ring that enhances both physical and fire-affinity attack power. It’s a superior incantation of the Fire Monks, creating an invigorating fire within the caster without causing harm, thus considered forbidden by the guardians of the Flame.

The spell requires 15 Faith to cast, costs 28 FP, and increases physical damage by 20% and fire damage by 20% for 30 seconds. It can be found behind Fort Gael, on a body between two Flame Chariots.

Honed Bolt

“Honed Bolt” is an incantation in the Elden Ring that calls down a lightning bolt from above to strike enemies. It is part of the Dragon Cult Incantations and requires 24 Faith to cast. This spell can be cast quickly and repeatedly, making it effective for continuous damage.

It costs 12 FP to use and takes up one memory slot. After giving them the Dragon Cult Prayerbook, you can purchase “Honed Bolt” from Brother Corhyn or Miriel, Pastor of Vows.

Glintstone Breath

“Glintstone Breath” is an incantation in Elden Ring that allows the caster to channel a dragon and release a powerful magic breath. It is one of the Dragon Communion Elden Ring Incantations and requires 15 Faith and 12 Arcane to cast. When fully charged, the duration of the breath can be extended, and the caster can swivel while casting to aim in different directions. 

This spell can be purchased at the Dragon Communion Altar in Caelid for 1 Dragon Heart.

Rotten Breath & Ekzykes’s Decay

“Rotten Breath” is an incantation in Elden Ring that allows the caster to transform into a dragon and release a breath of scarlet rot, which can inflict the Scarlet Rot status effect on enemies. It requires 15 Faith and 12 Arcane to cast, costs 36 FP, and can be purchased at the Dragon Communion Altar in Caelid for 1 Dragon Heart.

“Ekzykes’s Decay” is a superior Dragon Communion incantation that conjures the head of Ekzykes to spray a rot-inducing cloud from above. It requires 23 Faith and 15 Arcane to cast, costs 48 FP, and can be obtained by turning in 2 Dragon Hearts at the Cathedral of Dragon Communion in Caelid after defeating Decaying Ekzykes.

Some Questions

What are Elden Ring Incantations? 

Elden Ring Incantations are spells that use the Faith stat and are cast with Sacred Seals.

How do I use Elden Ring Incantations? 

Equip a Sacred Seal, select the Incantation from your inventory, and use the cast button specific to your platform.

Can you recommend some powerful Elden Ring Incantations? 

Yes, some notable ones for their offensive capabilities include Storm Blade, Waves of Darkness, and Flames of the Redmane.

Where can I find these Elden Ring Incantations? 

They are scattered throughout the Lands Between and can be obtained by defeating enemies, trading with NPCs, or exploring hidden locations. 


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