Aasimar D&D: Things You Should Know

Aasimar – Dungeons & Dragons is the ideal role-playing game for many people. Firstly, no game will ever have a model because of its world mythology, thousands of player bases, and character builds. The choices of classes, species, and moral alignment guarantee that. Since the fifth edition, more unique species, like Aasimar and Tieflings, were added to the game and lore.
While not as mythic as their hellspawn counterparts, aasimar are part celestial and human creatures that straddle the worlds of outcaste, inquisitor and hero. However, what other facts about the creatures empowered with heavenly energy interest these fans?
History and Origins
Aasimars are not the same species or bloodlines as storied creatures like elves. Thus, Asmodeus cursed the Tieflings, and the majority of them turned into infernal Tieflings. Therefore, D&D needed a celestial or angelic counterpart to this new wave of devil horns.
Indeed, the concept of a half-human and half-angel progeny is not at all revolutionary. In light of their deity service or place of origin, Wizards of the Coast left a relatively empty slate here, for them to often display characteristic similarities with their parents, the aasimar.
Deva vs Aasimar
Devas are the equivalent of aasimars to what Corellon was for elves. However, there is a long story behind the lukewarm metaphor. It can be traced from -8,350 to the early days of the Imaskar Empire. A secret epidemic brought on a labour crisis. Consequently, a group of idle wizards gathered to recruit labourers from various times and parts of the universe as slaves.
Tah is a wild space god who accepted the pleas of the deity that presides over the domain in which Toril is located, Eo. Some of his pantheons were willing to send avatars of their divine might to help these slaves, but then they divided themselves into divine incarnations again in a fight for the slaves. These devas differ from the aasimar but are often referred to as aasimar.
Aasimar Anatomy and Physiology
While no one can say exactly where the race came from, most aasimar are half-human and half-celestial. However, their lineage may also involve other races, and fey is one of them. The ancestry determines their eye, skin and hair colours. The race is also plane-touched with amazing sight in the dark and immunity to the effects of fears.
Aasimar Culture
Because of their creation, they do not have a true aasimar culture. There is not even any chance to invent a term like the aasimar diaspora because they appear so unexpectedly. The genetic pacts between aasimar and deities are the only culture one can discuss.
Aasimar lives in Mulhorand, their land of origin, where they are more numerous. However, most aasimars live and never encounter another aasimar. Some are present in the likes of Waterdeep or Outer Planes.
Scourges VS Protectors
The two subspecies of the aasimar are protectors and scourges. Protectors usually show feathery wings remaining on their backs, and they are very watchful. Consider the average image of an angel, and you will understand. They are the most numerous type and gain a bonus of Wisdom in addition to damaging radiation while in their Angel form. This power enables them to sprout wings, fly and shine – once per long rest.
While scourges are more “Holy Fire” and “Scorched Earth”, an actual light emanates from within them. Some will even don masks like members of the Jiéshù rì cult. They are typically raised on a battle heritage and always committed to killing evil. Their unique skill covers a 10ft. radius of divine flame that destroys any creature within it, even its allies and themselves.
Aasimar May Fall Or Redeem By Themselves.
As is the case with plane-touched species, aasimar typically receives a +2 charisma bonus automatically. This even includes the fallen aasimar. However, this does not imply a subspecies but rather an alias that manifests itself physically by altering a person’s appearance. Unlike standard aasimar, fallen ones are characterized by their black eyes and more greyish complexion; they gain spectral wings instead of angelic wings.
Other Half-breeds of Affinities
Aasimar finds other mixed breeds better as companions. This may include half-elves, which are quite numerous, but also half-orcs. As the majority of D&D lore would indicate, most societies and cultures would be incredibly hostile or abusive toward mixed-species people. Therefore, Aasimar tend to develop a liking for people with similar backgrounds.
What Deity Should your Aasimar Worship?
The strange is that aasimar can appear out of nowhere and then worship whoever he or she wishes to. As a race, the assimar are not sworn to one group of gods. Most of them only worship the Mulhorandi pantheon because their blood is related. However, aasimars in other countries could worship the gods of that culture.
It is the ultimate role-playing character for them.
Some D&D players prefer more structure when they come up with characters. They may choose an elf, considering their long and impressive history, or even a tiefling, as he has such an amazing background. However, with the aasimar, players can personalize their stories to be unique. It is the cleanest slate of all that even flies and melts people.
What are the unusual characteristics of Aasimar?
These should have a freaky tell, including pupil-less eyes, odd eye colors, and strange tints in hair or skin that go with the bloodline. In almost all cases, these individuals will even have angel feathers growing along with their hair and interwoven prominently into the feather show their aasimar ancestry.
Are all Aasimar’s eyes illuminated?
The Aasimar have eyes that glow slightly gold, silver, black or red and they also have some rounded ears. Males of both genders grow hair on the head, and males usually have facial hair too.